The 3 Most Promising Privacy Coins to Watch in 2020

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TheMerkle_DuckDuckGo Success PrivacyPrivacy. It is every human’s inalienable right and yet it has become commoditized currency traded on the Internet. Reclaiming it is no easy task. And world turns to corner to almost accept a total loss of digital privacy, society is facing what feels like an insurmountable amount of data breaches. In 2019, reported data breaches rose 17% from the previous year, to over 1,470 cases. A data breach costs an average U.S.-based company nearly $8.2 million, according to a recent IBM security report. And this security breach epidemic is global.  There is hope that we will be able to both

The post The 3 Most Promising Privacy Coins to Watch in 2020 appeared first on The Merkle Hash.

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