Not Just Drugs: Darknet Markets Carry a Variety of Goods for Your Bitcoin

Since the fall of the darknet markets Hansa and Alpha Bay, three markets have taken the reigns on the deep web. Now Dream, Point Marketplace, and the Wall Street Market are the top darknet markets, and since they took over, there’s a variety of different kind of vices other than drugs. Also read: Bitcoin’s Market Cap … Read more

Bitcoin Fees Have Become Infeasible

In 2013, one bitcoin cost $20. In 2017, it costs $20 to send one bitcoin. With record highs, thriving adoption, and media attention, this should be a celebratory time for bitcoin believers. And yet it’s hard to shake the feeling that something isn’t quite right. How did we reach a point where the world’s bank … Read more

Divorce is Messy – Especially When You Own Bitcoin

It ain’t easy owning bitcoin. Back in the day, you could own 50 BTC and nobody cared. But now that the digital currency is actually worth something, everyone wants a piece. Thieves, friends who didn’t listen, the taxman, and, when your marriage breaks down, your spouse. The blockchain might be immutable, but love isn’t. What … Read more

Hong Kong Investors Rush to Enter the Bitcoin Markets

With bitcoin again dominating headlines, a flood of new money has recently entered the cryptocurrency markets – including from emerging crypto markets such as Hong Kong. Local media outlets are reporting, however, that many new investors may be ill-prepared for the risks associated with cryptocurrency. Also Read: Japanese Investors Increasingly Switching From Traditional FX Trading to … Read more

Massachusetts Joins List of US States Hostile to Bitcoin

Lifelong Massachusetts politician, William Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth, turned sudden investment and currency expert this week, is issuing a seven-point warning about the perils of bitcoin. The uncharitable statement lands New England’s most populated region in the hostile category, joining a half dozen other states in anti-bitcoin mania. Also read: Rise of the Bitcoin … Read more

The Most Pointless Cryptocurrency Tokens Ever Invented

Just as Satoshi’s vision wasn’t 1,000 bitcoin forks, the vision of ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin wasn’t to decentralize the parenting industry. This year, an avalanche of ridiculous ERC20 tokens have been issued that take vaporware to the next level. From bananas on the blockchain to smart contract-based tombstones, these are the most pointless cryptocurrency tokens … Read more

“There Will Only Be One” – an Interview With Viabtc Founder Yang Haipo

Back in August, Viabtc founder Yang Haipo was one of the first public figures to declare ”Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin”. His exchange Viabtc was one of the first to list bitcoin cash (BCH), which was heavily criticized by Chinese industrial players for being “controlled” by Bitmain. Now Haipo is planning his new business Coinex, a … Read more

What Is Super Bitcoin?

The number of active and upcoming Bitcoin hard forks is quite stunning. While most people may only be able to name one or two forks, there are quite a few other projects out there as well. Super Bitcoin, for example, is one of the more recent hard forks. Although it has flown under most people’s radars, there is a … Read more

South Africa Wants to Track and Tax Bitcoin Trading

It’s said that nothing in this world is certain, except death and taxes. And at least for the latter we can be sure that the powers-that-be are not going to let this change without a fight. The latest country now known to be looking at taxing bitcoin trading is South Africa. Also Read: Tax Investigators … Read more