The Most Pointless Cryptocurrency Tokens Ever Invented

Just as Satoshi’s vision wasn’t 1,000 bitcoin forks, the vision of ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin wasn’t to decentralize the parenting industry. This year, an avalanche of ridiculous ERC20 tokens have been issued that take vaporware to the next level. From bananas on the blockchain to smart contract-based tombstones, these are the most pointless cryptocurrency tokens … Read more

“There Will Only Be One” – an Interview With Viabtc Founder Yang Haipo

Back in August, Viabtc founder Yang Haipo was one of the first public figures to declare ”Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin”. His exchange Viabtc was one of the first to list bitcoin cash (BCH), which was heavily criticized by Chinese industrial players for being “controlled” by Bitmain. Now Haipo is planning his new business Coinex, a … Read more

What Is Super Bitcoin?

The number of active and upcoming Bitcoin hard forks is quite stunning. While most people may only be able to name one or two forks, there are quite a few other projects out there as well. Super Bitcoin, for example, is one of the more recent hard forks. Although it has flown under most people’s radars, there is a … Read more

South Africa Wants to Track and Tax Bitcoin Trading

It’s said that nothing in this world is certain, except death and taxes. And at least for the latter we can be sure that the powers-that-be are not going to let this change without a fight. The latest country now known to be looking at taxing bitcoin trading is South Africa. Also Read: Tax Investigators … Read more

PR: Peer to Peer Crypto Exchange Restores the Cryptocurrency’s Freedom: Performance Summary + Bitcoin Cash Added

We can be very grateful for the exchange platforms’ appearance ; the expansion that the cryptoworld is now knowing can only be withstood with strong and reliable teams. But the rules are the rules, and except for Bitcoin, there hasn’t been any other way to trade other cryptocoins except on exchanges, and with very limited … Read more

The SmartHoldem ICO is Live – Establishes a New Paradigm in Online Poker Gaming – World’s First Decentralized Multi-Architectural Gaming Platform & Poker-Room on BlockChain

SmartHoldem is an independent, zoomed gaming platform with a set of protocols to ensure the integrity and reliability of data storage, where all network members do not need to trust each other or anyone. The platform is secured by a reliable distributed database with the latest encryption and data verification technologies. Sochi, Russia, December 17, … Read more

First Atomic Swap Between Bitcoin Cash and Komodo Is a Success

Atomic swaps have become quite popular in the world of cryptocurrency. That is to be expected, as this concept removes the need for centralized exchanges altogether. One of the biggest challenges to overcome is finding ways to trade value across different blockchains which may not be natively compatible with one another. The first atomic swap … Read more Enters Into Landmark Agreement to Purchase U.S.A. Regulated Broker Dealer

Zug, Switzerland, December 17, 2017, Upcoming ICO, has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to purchase a New York City based broker/dealer (“BD”). The BD is currently registered with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). The purchase will be subject to regulatory approval by FINRA under Rule 1017 among other reasonable … Read more