MasterCoin+ May Be the Next BitConnect

BitConnect was one of the biggest scams in the cryptocurrency world over the past few months. Unfortunately, it is not the only project that people need to be very wary of right now. MasterCoin+ shares a lot of similarities with how BitConnect operated, even though it seems the projects are not directly related. The Worrisome Signs of MasterCoin+ … Read more

PR: Paytomat Will Run a Token Sale to Bring Cryptocurrencies to Your Next Door Cafe and Grocery Store

Paytomat Will Run a Token Sale to Bring Cryptocurrencies to Your Next Door Cafe and Grocery Store Having successfully integrated with over a hundred of point-of-sales in Ukraine, Paytomat will be holding a token sale to scale its blockchain-based solution to the global level Tallinn, Estonia and Kyiv, Ukraine – Paytomat, the decentralized system for … Read more


We’ve seen a growing number of blockchain projects focus on providing digital identity services. THEKEY is one such project, as it wants to create a decentralized ecosystem of identity verification tools. It appears this venture has caught the attention of the Chinese government as well. The Concept of THEKEY On paper, THEKEY offers a more than valuable solution … Read more

What Is Skycoin?

Quite a few different cryptocurrencies exist in the market today, although not all of them will have use cases. Whether or not Skycoin will gain traction as a cryptocurrency remains to be seen. Its blockchain application platform, known as Skywire, will certainly attract a lot of interest on a global scale. What is Skycoin Exactly? There are many aspects of Skycoin … Read more

Bullish Momentum Will Return to Bitcoin Sooner Than People May Think

All cryptocurrency markets are going through an interesting phase right now. There is a clear desire for bullish action, yet it’s failed to materialize in any significant manner. Even though things may not look as bullish as some people may want them to, it is only a matter of time until the Bitcoin price returns to higher … Read more

Paypal Files Patent for Expedited Cryptocurrency Transaction System

A recent patent filing reveals that Paypal might be considering expanding its exposure to the cryptocurrency ecosystem with a new system for speedy transactions. We shouldn’t however expect a Paypal Lightning Network or anything close to that any time soon. There is currently a global race to file patents for everything crypto or “blockchain” related … Read more

Ecuador’s Cryptocurrency ATM Industry Won’t Grow Anytime Soon

Ecuador is a very interesting country when it comes to cryptocurrencies. Although the national government does not favor this innovative form of money, local entrepreneurs are ignoring its warnings whenever possible. In fact, there are now cryptocurrency ATMs in Ecuador, which is a pretty big development for the industry as a whole. Bitcoin Continues to Thrive in Ecuador No one … Read more