What is Asch Platform?

Asch is a decentralized blockchain platform that provides a public chain and an app Software Development Kit. This is the first system designed to give developers the ability to deploy completely independent blockchain applications.   Asch’s goal is to solve the problem of blockchain fragmentation. Asch Tokens can be used across different blockchain ecosystems and … Read more

What Is LBRY Credits?

With the advent of the internet, various art forms have become infinitely reproducible and shareable. This is in stark contrast to the way in which arts such as music were distributed in decades past. Today, with the blockchain offering customers a decentralized means of sharing content, most creative material is distributed as digital data that is … Read more

MasterCoin+ May Be the Next BitConnect

BitConnect was one of the biggest scams in the cryptocurrency world over the past few months. Unfortunately, it is not the only project that people need to be very wary of right now. MasterCoin+ shares a lot of similarities with how BitConnect operated, even though it seems the projects are not directly related. The Worrisome Signs of MasterCoin+ … Read more