South Korea Planning to Formally Allow ICOs

Regional news sources report South Korea’s financial authorities are working on legislation to formally allow initial coin offerings (ICOs) in an effort to appear more welcoming to the larger financial technology community. Also read: Québec Premier: We’re Not Really Interested in Bitcoin Mining South Korea Plans to Make ICOs Legit Online news source The Korean Times reported this … Read more

Bill Promises to Rid New York of Bitlicense Fees

A bill that may turn New York into a friendlier place for crypto entrepreneurs has been introduced in the state’s Assembly. The draft is intended to “safeguard” cryptocurrency business activity and “prohibit” licensing fees. Its sponsors want to replace the costly Bitlicense regulations with a licensing regime based on audits. The aim is to protect … Read more

PR: Financial Platform – The Thought Leader, the Leak, & the Community-Led Wealth Sharer

To be recognized as a thought leader requires a certain level of respect and charisma in your respective field. Being a thought leader can make a significant and positive difference to your business. Most successful individuals or firms in their respective fields grow in their business because of their ability to naturally lead or draw … Read more