New York Power Companies Can Now Raise Rates for Bitcoin Miners

The state of New York may be a difficult place to set up a mining venture in the region as lawmakers have ruled that power companies can raise their electricity rates if miners choose to use the state’s hydropower. Also Read: From ‘Attack’ to ‘Optimization’ — Slush Pool Reveals ASIC Boost Compatibility Charging Higher Electricity Rates … Read more

South Korea’s FSC Flags Three Smaller Exchanges for Potential Money Laundering

Even though South Korea is one of the most important countries when it comes to cryptocurrency, it still has a lot of work to do. Regulators have recently begun cracking down on exchanges which engage in malicious behavior. As a result, three trading platforms have been investigated thoroughly by the FSC. It’s a very interesting development, and one that … Read more

Consumer Complaints Rise 669% After Crypto Prices Decline

Just recently a consumer research group called Valuepenguin did an analysis on complaints filed with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) between June 1, 2017 and March 1, 2018. According to the study, after the significant 50-60 percent downturn in cryptocurrency values, consumer complaints surged by 669 percent. Also Read: Israeli Supreme Court Forbids Bank From … Read more

PR: The Man Who Sold His House for Bitcoin Has Joined the MoneyToken Advisory Board

Didi Taihuttu, also known as “the man who sold his house for bitcoin”, has joined the MoneyToken advisory board. Didi brings to MoneyToken a wealth of experience in cryptocurrency, and has been mining and trading in cryptocurrency assets since 2011 – but his real claim to fame started last summer, when Didi sold everything he … Read more

What Is Finhaven?

There seems to be a growing demand for global securities issuance platforms and exchange opportunities. As of right now, few companies actually provide such services, which means we will see a fair few companies tackle this business model moving forward. Finhaven is one of those companies that may be worth keeping an eye on. What does Finhaven Offer? … Read more

US Court Shuts Down Promoters of Three Deceptive Crypto Schemes

A U.S. federal court has placed a restraining order on and frozen the assets of four alleged promoters of deceptive schemes involving cryptocurrencies at the request of the country’s Federal Trade Commission. Also read: Japan’s DMM Bitcoin Exchange Opens for Business With 7 Cryptocurrencies US Court’s Order The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced on Friday … Read more