Coinbase Reveals Partnership With Barclays Bank

Coinbase has revealed that it has obtained a bank account with major U.K-based multinational financial services company, Barclays. The partnership comprises the first agreement reached between a leading U.K bank and a cryptocurrency exchange. Also Read: Secretive High-Tech Wall Street Trading Firm is Now Trading Bitcoin Coinbase Opens Account With Barclays The opening of an account … Read more

Mike Process Master, a robot among the aisles at Potenza’s Iper Futura

MyAv, a 100% Italian startup business funded entirely by Orizzonti Holding, brings robotics and AI to large supermarket chains. Disclosure: This is a Sponsored Article Already widely used by the largest warehouses (Amazon currently has 45.000), robots equipped with artificial intelligence are starting to be seen among Supermarket aisles. In step with the two worldwide … Read more

The Current Crypto-Bear Run Will be Nothing Like 2014

Since the beginning of the new year, the past three months has seen most cryptocurrencies lose over 60 percent of their values. Bearish markets have started to spark 2014 memories when BTC/USD markets and many altcoins suffered from a year-long downturn. Surely there have been few similarities to the current 2018 bear run and the … Read more

Venezuela Wants to Boost Cryptocurrency Mining Activity

Venezuela is a very peculiar country for many reasons. Ever since the Petro was issued, people have been wondering how it would affect actual cryptocurrencies in the country. It now seems the government has launched a crypto mining program meant to attract up to 1 million people. It’s a rather intriguing development, especially because this has seemingly nothing to … Read more

Regulation Friendly CoinMetro’s Live TGE Acquires $14 Million Worth of Backers With More to Come

The current state of services offered by decentralized platforms is mostly unregulated. Lying in a grey area of laws and regulations, there are actions brewing in different governmental organizations all over the world on how to control the unprecedented growth of Blockchain financial services. From token distributions being banned in China to protect backers’ money … Read more

G20 Watchdog Says Cryptos Not a Risk, Resists Calls for New Rules

The Financial Stability Board, G20’s global watchdog, does not consider cryptocurrencies a risk to financial stability. In a letter to the Group of 20 central bankers and finance ministers, its Chair Mark Carney said FSB was pivoting away from designing new policies and focusing on reviewing existing rules. His comments suggest there is no G20 … Read more