Plagiary Is The Worst Cryptocurrency Scam of All

There’s a 99% chance that you’re reading these words on And there’s a 1% chance that you’re reading them on some other cryptocurrency site. It might have a similar name to this one, or it might be called something entirely different. But whatever its name, it wasn’t responsible for producing this content – it … Read more

PR: Airline Blockchain Project ALLN Issued US$350 Million

The most of current cryptocurrencies remain in the development of new technology or concept as mainstream, products and services still stay in the dream-building idea. Most cryptocurrencies are dejected without subsequent support from the enterprises, causing most of investors disappointed and panic. The largest aero-ecological blockchain in history is going to unveil on March 28th. … Read more

Massachusetts Censures Five ICO Crypto Startups in a Single Day

Crowdfunding in the United States is a most dangerous game. Massachusetts brought no fewer than five acts of censure on the same day this week. Censure is a formal legal settlement entered into, in this case, with crypto companies accused of financial law violations, and usually involve a Consent Order (to prevent further prosecution, individual … Read more

Most Privacy Coins Aren’t That Private

Privacy coins are meant to be private. That’s their raison d’être. Strip away the privacy, and they simply become altcoins, and dangerous ones at that, with the potential to deanonymize their users and expose their secrets. A number of recent reports have cast doubt on the privacy features offered by coins such as zcash and … Read more