Texas State Securities Board Has Uncovered 32 Illegal Crypto Offerings Since December

Texas has always been an interesting state, even though it tends to do its own thing. Even so, the Lone Star State is keeping a very close eye on cryptocurrency offerings and the risk of fraud associated with this particular business model. Unfortunately, it seems there are a lot of ongoing investigations in this regard, which further confirms … Read more

Meet the Stablecoins Taking on Tether

Stablecoins aren’t exciting. They don’t pump, moon, or 10x. And yet they have the potential to make traders more money than any other cryptocurrency. These stabilized tokens – usually pegged to the US dollar – scarcely move in price, and yet they’re pivotal in anchoring the crypto markets. Here’s everything you should know about the … Read more

JPMorgan Chase Customer Files Lawsuit Over Cash Advance Fees on Bitcoin Purchases

Justice is often a dish best served cold. In the world of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, it seems a major victory has been scored. More specifically, JPMorgan Chase faces a lawsuit for charging customers a cash advance fee when they attempted to buy cryptocurrency from certain exchanges. It was only a matter of time until that … Read more

Vietnam’s Prime Minister Directs Central Bank to Strengthen Cryptocurrency Framework

The Prime Minister of Vietnam has signed a directive for the country’s central bank and the Ministry of Finance to strengthen the management of cryptocurrency-related activities. This follows an alleged fraud involving a cryptocurrency that scammed 32,000 Vietnamese out of VNĐ15 trillion. Also read: Japan’s DMM Bitcoin Exchange Opens for Business With 7 Cryptocurrencies Prime Minister’s … Read more

Philippines Probes Potential Pyramid Scheme

It has been a while since we last saw any major developments in the Philippines cryptocurrency industry. Although crypto is still very popular in the Philippines, it has become evident that criminals are also paying closer attention to this ecosystem. Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II wants to investigate one cryptocurrency company falsely claiming to have partnered with the country’s senate. Malicious … Read more