Canadian Accused of Assisting Ross Ulbricht Extradited to U.S.

A fifty-nine-year-old Canadian man accused of advising Ross Ulbricht, the creator and operator of the first anonymous free market, Silk Road, has been extradited to the United States from Thailand. Roger Thomas Clark has been charged by federal prosecutors for a number of crimes relating to the operations of Silk Road, including narcotics trafficking, computer … Read more

Bitmex to VIPs: Bitcoin Won’t Replace Fiat, Just a ‘Useful Niche,’ Enthusiasts ‘Naive’

Bitcoin Mercantile Exchange (Bitmex) released proprietary research reportedly geared toward their VIPs. Researchers find bitcoin core’s (BTC) deflationary aspects interesting for speculation and as a “payment system,” but predict it will ultimately not usurp government paper, describing the BTC phenomenon as simply a “useful niche,” and those who “think Bitcoin would result in a more … Read more

Bitcoin in Brief Monday: Belgium Expands List of Fraudulent Crypto Platforms, Plot to Kill Vinnik Uncovered in Greece

In Monday’s Bitcoin in Brief, Belgium’s financial watchdog, which earlier this year published a warning about potentially fraudulent platforms promising fast and easy profits to crypto investors, has just expanded its blacklist. In Russia, reports have surfaced of a plot to assassinate Alexander Vinnik in Greece, where he fights an extradition request from US authorities … Read more

Venezuela’s President Launches Crypto Funded Youth Bank, Encourages Mining Farms

State news agency Telesur reports Venezuela president Nicolás Maduro has announced formation of a youth bank funded by the country’s recently launched cryptocurrency, the Petro. Mr. Maduro also took the opportunity to urge countrymen to continue mining its state-backed digital money, including creation of mining farms. Also read: Only 1% of Business CIOs are Actually … Read more

Bitcoin’s Near Term Fortunes: “Inflows of Big Money,” New Indices Emerge

When Fundstrat Global speaks, the crypto world listens. In recent months it has been a steady font of good news for the ecosystem, with five figure price calls to predicting a very bright future, a crypto future. Resident guru Thomas Lee more-or-less foretold the current after tax season spike in prices when many others were … Read more

Bitcoin in Brief Tuesday: The Tax Man Effect

Bitcoin in Brief continues with the second day this week of mostly FOMO news. The biggest economy in the world faces the tax man today, as the United States and its crypto enthusiasts must atone for the sin of last year’s gains. Economists and market bulls are insisting that this fact caused dramatic sell offs, … Read more

Greedy Facebook Versus Ideological Telegram: Why Principles Matter

Something happened this week that rarely occurs, history offered up a side-by-side comparison with a control. Heads of respective social network and messaging platforms Facebook and Telegram were each brought before their home governments, the United States for Mark Zuckerberg, Russia for Pavel Durov. How the two men responded is telling, and should inform everyone … Read more

Not Dead: There’s Good Reason to Be Long on Bitcoin

With western Christianity set to celebrate the basis of its theology this weekend, bitcoiners the world over might be showing up to churches in droves, hoping one resurrection might lead to another. The ecosystem’s main prophet, Tom Lee of Fundstrat Global Advisors, has outlined four reasons why enthusiasts ought to be bullish on the future: … Read more

24-Year-Old Sent to Prison for Selling Bitcoin to Agents Without Asking for ID

US law agencies can celebrate another success in their tireless crusade to stop ‘unlicensed money transmitting’ in the land of the free. The latest victory is sending a 24-year old crime kingpin to federal prison for making $40,000 from trading bitcoin offline. Also Read: US Federal Authorities Arrest Man for Selling 9.99 Bitcoin One Year … Read more

New Bitcoin Embassy Opens in the United States

A mooted Bitcoin Embassy shall be the first of its kind, since an early attempt in New York City, for a bitcoin gathering place. It was American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) Editorial Director Jeffrey Tucker who had a revelation of sorts to establish a Bitcoin Embassy in the United States. The idea is to … Read more