Luna Foundation to Lend $1.5 Billion in Bitcoin and UST to Market Makers — Plan Aims to Protect Stablecoin’s $1 Parity

As crypto markets continue to slide in value, concerns about the algorithmic stablecoin terrausd (UST) losing its $1 parity have swelled in recent times. Two days ago on May 7, 2022, UST dipped down to $0.985 per unit against tether (USDT), and the stablecoin’s price drop invoked a great deal of speculation concerning UST losing … Read more

Luna Foundation Acquires $1.4 Billion in Bitcoin, Decentralized Reserve Stash Rises to 80,394 BTC

According to a report published on Thursday, the Luna Foundation Guard (LFG) explained that it acquired 37,863 bitcoin worth more than $1.4 billion through two over-the-counter deals. The LFG now holds 80,394 bitcoin in its reserves currently worth just under $3 billion using today’s exchange rates. Luna Foundation Guard Scoops up 37,863 Bitcoin On May … Read more