Xapo Estimated to be Housing 6.25% of Total BTC Supply

It has been estimated that approximately 6.25% of the total bitcoin supply has been deposited with Xapo – a Hong-Kong Based company providing bitcoin wallet, cold storage, and bitcoin-based debit card services. Xapo claims that BTC deposited with company are held in underground vaults located across five continents. Also Read: Ethereum Founder Responds to Charges of … Read more

Ethereum Developers Advocate Anti-ASIC Fork and Hard Cap on Supply

Ethereum’s Github has recently seen several significant proposals made for development. On April 1st, Ethereum co-founder, Vitalik Buterin, proposed the introduction of a hard fork on the supply of ETH tokens at approximately 120 million. Several days prior, developer Piper Merriam advocated that Ethereum conduct a hard fork in order to “demonstrate a willingness” to … Read more

80 Percent of the Total Bitcoin Supply Have Now Been Mined

This weekend marks a milestone for bitcoin as 80 percent of the currency has now been mined into circulation, this means there’s only 20 percent left to mine. Satoshi Nakamoto’s protocol was one of the first to introduce digital scarcity and soon enough the digital asset will become even harder to obtain. Also read: How to … Read more

Scrutiny Intensifies as Tether Exceeds Supply of 1 Billion USDT

1 billion USDT have now entered into circulation, again drawing attention to the operations of Tether. The eight-figure threshold for Tether was passed during the creation of nearly 300 million USDT that has occurred over the last seven days. Also Read: Bitfinex Critic Claims to be Organizing Class Action Lawsuit Against Ifinex Tether First Emerged in … Read more