Ebang Announces 44 Terahash E-11 Miners With 10nm Chips

The China-based Ebang Communication, one of the largest ASIC mining chip makers in the region has announced a new series of mining rigs this week at the World Digital Mining Summit in Tbilisi, Georgia. Ebang has revealed three new bitcoin mining rigs for its Ebit Miner E-11 series that claims to boast hashrate speeds between … Read more

Bitcoin Cash Can Scale Exponentially and Support the Global Economy

For well over a year now the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) protocol has shown quite a bit of capability as far as on-chain scaling is concerned. The creator of Bitcoin knew that the technology had to expand in scale quite vastly in order to accept the magnitude of global commerce and businesses on the blockchain. In … Read more

Squire Partnership Gives Coingeek Exclusive Rights to 10nm ASIC Chip

On Wednesday, August 15, blockchain firm and mining organization Coingeek, led by entrepreneur Calvin Ayre, announced that the company has signed a deal with Canada-based Squire Mining Limited. Coingeek details the company will have exclusive rights to Squire’s new ASIC chips and mining rigs that mine bitcoin cash (BCH) and a variety of other cryptocurrencies. … Read more

Cryptocurrency Projects Aiming to be ‘ASIC Resistant’ Have Little Success

Just recently the Bitcoin Gold (BTG) developers announced the project’s consensus algorithm Equihash was “threatened” in a blog post called “A Response to the ASIC Threat.” In the post, the BTG project’s team members explain that they might change the cryptocurrency’s current Equihash algorithm due to the recent launch of the Antminer Z9 mining rig. … Read more

Samsung Profits Surge on High Demand for Bitcoin Mining Chips

South Korean Samsung Electronics saw its operating profits surge in the first quarter of this year compared to the previous year. The company attributes the increase to its semiconductor division which manufactures bitcoin mining chips and says that it expects the trend to continue into the second quarter. Also read: Yahoo! Japan Confirms Entrance Into the … Read more

The Results Are In: Dragonmint T1 Doesn’t Make the S9 Obsolete

There’s been a lot of skepticism aimed at the company Halong Mining and its machine the Dragonmint T1. The firm announced in November of 2017 that it would be distributing its Dragonmint devices in 2018 and stated its miners would be the most efficient machines on the market. So far, after all the controversy, some … Read more