Russian Firm to Commercialize ISS Space Tourism by 2019

Space is the next frontier our species will explore in one way or another. Doing so is much easier said than done, though, as getting into outer space is not something most consumers currently expect to do. Russian space company Energie plans to change all that by offering “comfortable” flights to the International Space Station. These flights … Read more

Another Post-Soviet Jurisdiction Welcomes Crypto Miners

Following in the footsteps of counterparts from former Soviet countries, government officials in Transnistria have attempted to create crypto-friendly environment in their disputed republic. Newly adopted legislation legalizes cryptocurrency mining and provides incentives for foreign investors. Entrepreneurs, invited to set up mining facilities, are not even required to register a local company. They can take … Read more

Bank of Russia Allows Crypto Mining But Proposes Miners Sell Their Coins Overseas

The Bank of Russia said it will allow cryptocurrency mining in the country, given tax, control, and reporting considerations. However, the central bank also proposes for crypto miners to sell their coins overseas, which will still oblige them to pay taxes. Also read: Japan’s DMM Bitcoin Exchange Opens for Business With 7 Cryptocurrencies Bank of Russia Allows … Read more

Sberbank to Bypass Russian Regulations and Trade Cryptocurrencies Overseas

The largest bank in Russia, the state-owned Sberbank, has reportedly announced its plans to bypass the Russian cryptocurrency regulations and offer crypto trading to customers overseas. The bank is looking at trading pairs of the most liquid and well-known cryptocurrencies. Also read: Japan’s DMM Bitcoin Exchange Opens for Business With 7 Cryptocurrencies Bypassing Russian Regulations At a … Read more

Russia Developing System to Identify Crypto Miners but Considers Giving Them Tax Break

A Russian ministry is preparing a bill for the regulation of cryptocurrency mining which reportedly includes a “special system” to detect crypto miners. In addition, there may be a 2-year tax break for miners as well as energy quotas and special tariffs. Also read: Japan’s DMM Bitcoin Exchange Opens for Business With 7 Cryptocurrencies System to … Read more

Russia’s Longest-Serving Finance Minister Backs Crypto “Self-Regulation”

Former Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin favors “self-regulation” in the cryptocurrency sector. He believes it will be more effective, at this early stage, than any imposed regulations. Others have expressed similar views about the currently proposed regime. Kudrin shared his opinion on social media, commenting on the latest developments in the crypto debate. The longtime … Read more