Market Jitters: Analysts Warn of Looming US Stock Crash, Draw Parallels to 1929

As the U.S. stock market scales new heights, a growing chorus of analysts warns that a severe crash could be on the horizon, reminiscent of the devastating 1929 collapse. Concerns center around the meteoric rise of Nvidia and the burgeoning artificial intelligence (AI) sector, feared to be the latest bubble in a pattern echoing past … Read more

Fed’s Powell Scrutinized for Owning Bonds of the Same Type the Central Bank Bought During Pandemic

As a number of Federal Reserve presidents have been criticized for their 2020 stock moves, Fed chairman Jerome Powell has been cast into the limelight for owning $1.5 million municipal bonds like the ones the U.S. central bank purchased in 2020 during the pandemic. All Eyes Are On Jerome Powell’s Municipal Bond Portfolio Three days … Read more

After Fed Members Disclose Million-Dollar Stock Trades Fed’s Powell Initiates Ethics Inquiry

The Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell has directed his staff to start an ethics inquiry into the financial activities of Fed members, as a number of senior central bank officials are being questioned for their investments. Reports indicated last week that the president of the Dallas Federal Reserve branch, Robert Kaplan, benefitted from “multiple million-dollar-plus … Read more

As Citizens Suffer Central Banks Flush Trading Houses With Trillions, Ease Corporate Strains

Central banks across the world have been increasing stimulus and letting inflation run high in order to combat the disastrous economic effects of the coronavirus outbreak response. The Bank of Japan has recently become the country’s largest stockholder and the European Central Bank is prepared to expand its colossal stimulus program. Meanwhile, Federal Reserve Chair … Read more

Federal Reserve Staff Sluiced Wall Street Bankers With Trillions From the Comfort of Their Mansions

While American citizens wait for bureaucrats to pass a new coronavirus relief package, the Federal Reserve has continued to serve corporate interests and the banking cartel. Behind the curtains from the comfort of their own mansions, members of the Fed have given more stimulus to crony Wall Street corporatists than it did in 2008. The … Read more

The Great Financial Reset: IMF Managing Director Calls for a ‘New Bretton Woods Moment’

As the global economy shudders from the disastrous effects of central planning, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) managing director in Washington, DC, Kristalina Georgieva is calling for a “new Bretton Woods moment.” Georgieva spoke about the juncture on October 15, and she stressed today’s economic hardships are the same as the difficulties the world faced … Read more

Fed Chairman Claims ‘Now Is Not the Time’ to Worry About the Federal Budget

According to the Federal Reserve Chairman, Jerome Powell, the road to economic recovery is far from over and the Covid-19 pandemic has fueled the tragedy. During his speech at the National Association for Business Economics annual meeting, Powell highlighted that the federal budget was essentially a disaster, but stressed that “now is not the time … Read more

$9 Trillion in Stimulus Injections: The Fed’s 2020 Pump Eclipses Two Centuries of USD Creation

Since September 2019, research shows the Federal Reserve has pumped over $9 trillion to primary dealers by leveraging enormous emergency repo operations. A recently published investigative report shows the U.S. central bank submits the daily loan tally, but the Fed will not provide the public with information concerning the recipients. Estimates say, in 2020 alone, … Read more

Unlimited QE and an Index Portfolio: How Fed Chair Jay Powell Can Pump His Bags

In mid-August the U.S. stock market defied odds and mainstream media claimed after the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index touched new heights on August 18, it ‘officially’ ended the “shortest bear market in history.” Interestingly while roughly 30 to 40 million Americans face the risk of eviction, the 16th Chair of the Federal Reserve, Jerome … Read more

Buying Corporate Bonds and ETFs: US Federal Reserve Continues to Bailout ‘Too Big to Fail’

The U.S. Federal Reserve has continued its schemes of monetary easing and funding a number of private banks during the Covid-19 outbreak. On Monday evening, the Fed revealed it would be buying corporate bonds and exchange-traded funds using the entity’s Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility (SMCCF). Additionally, financial analysts from Wall Street on Parade have … Read more