Chinese Regulators Unveil First Draft of Rules for Driverless Vehicle Road Tests

Driverless vehicles have proven to be an interesting, albeit somewhat worrisome trend. Especially when it comes to drafting new regulations and guidelines for such vehicles, the topic has proven to be rather controversial. In China, the first draft of national rules pertaining to testing autonomous vehicles has been presented to the public. There is still … Read more

BitFlyer Receives Regulatory Approval to Operate in the European Union

Europe has always been a relatively tepid market when it comes to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. It almost seems as if there is a genuine disinterest in what this new form of money can mean for Europeans. That situation may soon come to change, as Japan’s bitFlyer exchange is expanding to Europe. More competition among European … Read more

South Korean Prime Minister Imposes Crypto Code of Conduct on Government Officials

The South Korean prime minister has ordered a new code of conduct to be prepared and implemented specifically to address the actions of government employees regarding cryptocurrency regulations. This follows the recent case of possible insider trading which is being investigated. Also read: Cryptocurrency Activities Will Be Legal and Tax Free in Belarus Starting in March … Read more

Clarification of South Korea’s Cryptocurrency Regulation Hints at Positive Future

It seems there is still a fair amount of confusion as to what South Korean regulators aim to do about cryptocurrencies. With new regulations going into effect later this week, it is due time to clarify a few things. First of all, there will no longer be an option to trade cryptocurrencies anonymously. Additionally, it seems … Read more

South Korea Releases Official Guidelines for Cryptocurrency Exchanges and Banks

The South Korean government has officially released two sets of previously promised guidelines that specify cryptocurrency regulatory measures. In addition to details of the new real-name system to end anonymous trading of cryptocurrencies, the government also published its anti-money laundering guidelines for banks providing services to cryptocurrency exchanges. Also read: Cryptocurrency Activities Will Be Legal and … Read more

SEC Chairman Signals a Storm Coming for Fly-by-Night Blockchain ICOs

There may a storm brewing for shady companies intent on jumping on the blockchain bandwagon. Startups with no working product seeking to raise millions, or traditional companies rebranding themselves as blockchain connoisseurs are liable to attract the ire of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. In a speech delivered in Washington on Monday, SEC chairman … Read more

Northern European Bank Nordea Confirms Bitcoin Ban for Employees

As learned two weeks ago, one of Europe’s largest banks, Nordea, will enact a company-wide policy to effectively ban its employees from owning or trading in cryptocurrency. Citing risks and perhaps looming regulation, the bank decided to act preemptively. Also read: Whistleblower Details Big Bank’s Plans to Prohibit Employees Owning Bitcoin Nordea Bank Bans … Read more

Your Taxes Paid for a Lot of Blockchain Surveillance Last Year

Governments worldwide have been ramping up regulations for cryptocurrencies and hiring research and blockchain surveillance teams. One firm that tracks transactions on the Bitcoin Core blockchain is called Chainalysis, and this year the company has gathered over a half a million USD on record from various government and law enforcement entities. Also read: South Korean Exchange … Read more

South Korean Exchange Korbit Stops Serving International Citizens

Just recently reported on South Korean cryptocurrency exchanges implementing new infrastructure systems that comply with the country’s financial regulations. The enforced verification mechanisms will not allow anonymous users to sign up for a Korean-based digital asset exchange and trading platforms must report customer data. Now this week the Korean crypto-exchange, Korbit, has announced it … Read more

Russian Bill Requires Deputies to Declare Their Cryptocurrency Investments

The bill for the regulation of cryptocurrencies in Russia submitted by the finance ministry and the central bank requires State Duma deputies to declare their cryptocurrency investments. Currently, government officials are not required to declare their crypto holdings, according to a recent announcement by the Russian Ministry of Labor. Also read: Cryptocurrency Activities Will Be … Read more