Indian Court Reaffirms Legality of Cryptocurrency, Grants Bail to Yes World CEO

The Orissa High Court in India has reaffirmed that cryptocurrency trading and transactions are neither banned nor deemed illegal in India. Citing the legality of crypto, the court granted bail to Sandeep Chowdhury, CEO of Yes World, who was accused of defrauding investors through a Ponzi scheme disguised as a cryptocurrency business. Orissa High Court … Read more

Landmark Ruling: Crypto Dealings Not Illegal in India, Says High Court

The Orissa High Court in India ruled that cryptocurrency dealings are not illegal under Indian law. This decision arose from a case involving individuals accused of fraud through a Ponzi scheme. Justice Sasikanta Mishra clarified that cryptocurrency is not considered money under the Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act or a deposit under … Read more