L2 Scaling Challenges May Undermine Ethereum and Bitcoin’s Long-Term Security

Ethereum and Bitcoin, two of the world’s largest blockchains, are facing significant challenges in scaling their networks. As more users and transactions move to layer two (L2) solutions, these systems could undermine the security and sustainability of the base layer (L1), with fees and rewards for miners and validators dwindling. Growing L2 Adoption Raises Concerns … Read more

From $37B to $24.5B: DAO Treasuries Experience Significant Downturn

In October 2024, the latest data shows that decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) hold $24.5 billion in treasuries, down by $12.6 billion since the end of March. Optimism’s DAO, which boasted $8.3 billion on Mar. 24, has seen its treasury shrink to $3.8 billion, making it the largest DAO treasury despite the decline. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations … Read more

Optimism Finds Vulnerabilities in Fault Proof System, Proposes Upgrade to Patch Them

OP Labs, a software development company focusing on the Optimism ecosystem, has proposed an upgrade for the Optimism rollup called Granite, which comes to fix a series of vulnerabilities in the chain’s fault-proof system. While some high-severity vulnerabilities were encountered during external audits, OP Labs stated that none had been exploited. Optimism Proposes Network Upgrade … Read more