Venezuela’s Oil-Backed Cryptocurrency Declared Illegal

The Venezuelan parliament has declared the oil-backed cryptocurrency created by President Nicolas Maduro illegal and in violation of the country’s Constitution. Maduro’s decree to create the national cryptocurrency, the petro, has been declared null and void. Also read: South Korea Urges 23 Countries, EU, and IMF to Collaborate on Curbing Crypto Trading Venezuelan Parliament Declared … Read more

Maduro Orders the Issue of 100M Petros, Venezuela’s Oil-Backed Cryptocurrency

The first issue of Venezuela’s national cryptocurrency has been ordered by President Nicolás Maduro. He has also called for the first national meeting of the petro’s miners where he will release the whitepaper for the new currency. Also read: Venezuela Unveils Mining, Trading, and Launch Details of National Cryptocurrency 100 Million Petros Incoming On Friday Venezuela’s … Read more

Venezuela Seeks Miners for the Petro – Maduro Claims 860,811 Already Signed Up

Venezuela is looking for miners for the country’s national cryptocurrency, the Petro. The government has opened up a registry for miners to sign up to mine and gain access to the new currency. According to Venezuela’s president Nicolás Maduro, 860,811 young people have already registered to create the Petro mining farms. Also read: Venezuela Unveils Mining, … Read more

Venezuela Unveils Mining, Trading, and Launch Details of National Cryptocurrency

The Venezuelan government has published a decree outlining the operation of Venezuela’s national cryptocurrency, the Petro. It details the government’s plans for the new currency, including its issuance, mining, and trading. In addition, the Petro will be backed by 5 billion barrels of crude oil. Also read: Russian Regulators Draft Law to Restrict Crypto Mining, Payments, … Read more

Venezuela’s National Cryptocurrency Advances But Experts Warn of Corruption

Venezuela’s president Nicolas Maduro has advanced the creation of the country’s national cryptocurrency, the Petro. He believes it will take off and solve the country’s economic problems next year, but experts are concerned with corruption. Moody’s credit rating agency, for example, says market participants would have no confidence in Maduro’s government to manage it. Also … Read more