Envion – Mobile Crypto Miner Deploys to Lowest Cost Renewable Energy Markets

China’s renewable energy sector wasted more than 60 TWh of electricity in 2016 owing to inadequate transmission infrastructure to transport power to its energy hungry big cities and industrial hubs. Meanwhile, power-hungry Bitcoin miners were stealing processing power from computers to meet their annual demand for 32 TWh of electricity. Envion has a smart solution … Read more

3Commas brings Smart Trading tools and Custom Portfolios to Crypto Traders

3commas.io is a cryptocurrency tool that allows for Trailing Stop Loss and Trailing Profit Take. It allows traders to make the best on a trade without worrying about volatile traders ruining their experience. Custom portfolios are also available for analyzation and investment. Disclosure: This is a Sponsored Article 3commas connects to your exchange’s API so … Read more

The Psychology of the Cryptocurrency FOMO-FUD Cycle Has Been Weaponized

It comes with little surprise that promoters of new altcoins and ICO tokens use every tool at their disposal to gain an advantage in the ever-crowded cryptocurrency market. While the positive marketing approaches are well known and widely talked about, like sponsorship deals with rappers, sport stars and other celebrities, the negative side of the … Read more

Airdrop to Holders of Video-Game Tokens

NITRO, the public-company backed cryptocurrency for the games industry, announces airdrop to holders of current video-game tokens. Disclosure: This is a Sponsored Article In line with its mission to empower gamers with the opportunity to have a say in games that are in the process of development, NITRO will airdrop a total of 50 NOX … Read more

Kickstarter Campaign to Mint Physical IOTA Coins Gets Funded Successfully

In the world of cryptocurrency, there has always been a keen interest in physical objects. Whether they are coins, paper wallets, keychains, or anything else in tangible form, crypto-related merchandise and collectibles always do quite well. In the case of IOTA, a Kickstarter project was organized to mint physical coins. Surprisingly, this crowdfunding campaign has … Read more

This Week in Bitcoin: Markets Wobble While Fees Keep Soaring

Bitcoin never sleeps or slows. With the holidays approaching, there was zero chance of the world’s leading cryptocurrency taking a break so we could tend to last-minute shopping and drinking. Like the primadonna that she is, this week in bitcoin continued the year’s trend of hogging the limelight, with tales of rising fees and Coinbase … Read more

Former SEC Chairman Warns of Regulatory Crackdown for Cryptocurrencies

It’s a well-known secret that the Securities and Exchange Commission has been cracking down on initial coin offerings. These developments took some people by surprise, as they had assumed cryptocurrencies in general would face additional scrutiny as well. So far, that has not happened, although it seems to be only a matter of time until this … Read more