Trading Bot Mistakenly Causes e-Gulden Pump

In an unregulated market such as cryptocurrency, bad actors and spontaneous events continually prey upon unknowing individuals. While the victims of these acts typically consist of naive and inexperienced individuals, even savvy traders sometimes find themselves duped by these ploys. Since last Thursday, McAfee Antivirus creator and eccentric cryptocurrency magnate has been tweeting a “coin-of-the-day” to his … Read more

Israel Weighs “Digital Shekel,” Its Own National Cryptocurrency

Israeli officials are debating whether or not to create their own cryptocurrency, joining a growing list of governments that have proposed their own state-sponsored digital currencies in 2017. Israel Debates the Merits of Crypto The Israeli government may create its own “digital shekel,” according to sources close to Israel’s Finance Ministry.   The discussions are part of an … Read more

Indian Entrepreneurs Rush to Launch Crypto Companies Following Bitcoin Boom

Despite the government ramping up regulatory measures for bitcoin traders and exchanges, Indian entrepreneurs are rushing to set up companies with bitcoin or cryptocurrency-related words in their names. Also read: South Korea Clarifies Position After Reports of Possible Ban on All Crypto Transactions Capitalizing on Crypto Indian entrepreneurs have been rushing to register businesses with the … Read more

Indian Police Forces Break up Gang Praying on Bitcoin Investors

The incredible bitcoin price rally this year has attracted a lot of new people to the cryptocurrency world, many of them just looking to make a quick buck without understanding too much what they are getting into. Naturally this kind of situation attracts criminals that look to exploit it, the most recent example being a … Read more

XTRADE.IO Will Streamline Cryptocurrency Markets

The old saying goes, “Numbers don’t lie.” That’s the mantra for cryptocurrencies this year, as blockchain powered coins have had an exceptional 2017 thus far. The total market cap is over $600 billion, tens billions of dollars worth of coins are traded each day, and over 1,300 coins exist in the open market. The only … Read more

Dogecoin Hits a Penny

This past year has seen massive gains for many cryptocurrencies. We know of the big names, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and IOTA. One cryptocurrency which has also had a huge rise this past year that many do not consider is Dogecoin. At the time of writing, one Dogecoin is worth one penny (and is also worth one … Read more

Major University in Belarus Debuts Crypto Diploma Course Following Legalization

Following the legalization of cryptocurrencies and initial coin offerings (ICOs) in Belarus, a major Belarusian technical university is now offering a diploma course covering cryptocurrencies, their derivatives, and ICOs. Immediately, inquiries flooded in from people wanting to learn about this new industry. Also read: Belarus Legalizes Cryptocurrencies and ICOs – Tax-Free for Five Years Diploma Course at … Read more

Classic Mainstream Media Clickbait Scare Resurfaces: ”Chinese Government Can Take Over Bitcoin”

The latest story (again) on mainstream media meant to scare away uninformed people from using bitcoin is about the possibility of China taking over the cryptocurrency. This particular FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) meme was also publicized widely in 2015 and 2016. Also Read: The Psychology of the Cryptocurrency FOMO-FUD Cycle Has Been Weaponized Scare … Read more

South Korean Prosecutor Fights to Confiscate Bitcoins from Criminal Proceeds

South Korean authorities are divided whether bitcoins from criminal proceeds should be confiscated. In a criminal case involving 216 bitcoins, the court previously ruled that the digital currency cannot be confiscated. However, the prosecutor is now appealing to the court to overturn that decision and allow the forfeiture of the bitcoins, now worth billions of … Read more