Hardware Wallet Purchased on eBay Costs User Over $30,000 in Stolen Funds

In the world of cryptocurrencies, people tend to take unnecessary risks. Especially when it comes to obtaining and storing said cryptocurrencies, there is no reason whatsoever to look for shortcuts or save a few dollars. One Reddit user found this out the hard way. He purchased a malicious hardware wallet from eBay, which allowed the assailant to … Read more

Reddit’s Third-Party Password Reset System Hack Affects “Less than 20” Bitcoin Cash Users

Earlier this week, the Bitcoin Cash community woke up to a rather nasty and unexpected surprise. Someone – or a group of people – had successfully compromised Reddit’s email provider. As a result, the assailant(s) managed to obtain an unspecified amount of Bitcoin Cash from multiple Reddit accounts. These balances were associated with the Bitcoin Cash tip bot, … Read more

Bitfury Group Unveils Technique to Analyze Bitcoin Transactions

Bitcoin transaction analysis has become an interesting topic of debate over the past few months. Although most governments claim Bitcoin to be anonymous, most people know that is anything but the case. Bitcoin lacks privacy, anonymity, and fungibility. BitFury Group has come up with a new way to analyze related Bitcoin addresses. Whether or not it … Read more

Tether Issues USDT and EURT Tokens on Top of the Ethereum Blockchain

The Tether company has quickly made an impact in the world of cryptocurrencies. Although there are some concerns about the company and its liquidity, it is moving ahead in an effort to expand its presence. Its latest venture involves using both USDT and EURT on top of the Ethereum blockchain. It is a pretty interesting development, considering that both of these currencies … Read more

Netflix Tweet Hints at FCC Lawsuit

Late last year, the United States Federal Communications Commission voted 3-2 in favor of dismantling Obama-era regulations that prohibited ISPs from privileging content. This was a huge defeat for internet rights activists and consumers everywhere. However, while the case seems shut to many, there is still a resistance ongoing – with some rather large companies … Read more

Sessions, the Cole Memo, and PotCoin

Recently, the US Attorney General, Jeff Beauregard Sessions, rescinded Obama-era memos which allowed states that had legalized marijuana (either recreationally, medically, or both) to grow and operate their businesses without too much fear of federal government intervention. While we could talk for hours about this questionable decision from a man who has championed himself as … Read more

Monero Price Records a new All-time High of $475 on Coinmarketcap

It has been a pretty interesting weekend for most cryptocurrencies. Although Bitcoin is still struggling as we speak, other currencies are recording new highs. The Monero price, for example, reached a new all-time high in US Dollar value of $475. A very interesting development, especially when considering how this currency doesn’t necessarily have the appeal … Read more

Have You Heard of DogecoinDark?

In bull markets like cryptocurrency, savvy entrepreneurs and deceitful con men have adopted an array of creative approaches to create value for their projects. One such method that has recently been shown as very successful is the act of rebranding. If you weren’t involved in cryptocurrency at least two years ago, you’ll likely have no … Read more

Bitcoin Cash Price Reclaims $3,000 Average Thanks to Bithumb

With the overall cryptocurrency market cap growing by leaps and bounds, it is only normal specific currencies are noting solid gains. Although things have been relatively quiet on the Bitcoin Cash price for some time now, things are heading in the right direction again. More specifically, the Bitcoin Cash price has surpassed $3,000 again for … Read more