Estonia to Launch State-Sponsored Token-Based Crowdfunding Platform

Interesting things are happening in Estonia when it comes to technology and digital tokens. More specifically, the European country is well-known for its focus on digital services such as its e-residency program. It now seems the government may go ahead with its plan to enable state-sponsored token-based crowdfunding. It is a pretty interesting development, to say the least. … Read more

21 Coins Have $1B+ Market Caps

Although it has been said multiple times now, 2017 is definitely the year of crypto in many ways. We have seen many existing coins rise to astronomical heights, and it is evident all other tokens and currencies are thriving as well. In fact, we now have 21 different currencies and tokens with market capitalizations of over US$1 … Read more

Russian Crypto News Outlet Shook Down by the Ukrainian Security Service

According to the owner of the Russian cryptocurrency news outlet Forklog, Anatoly Kaplan, his media firm is being harassed by Ukrainian law enforcement officials. On December 15, agents from the Ukrainian Security Service (SSU) searched both Kaplan’s apartment and the Forklog offices in Odessa for an alleged association with U.S. nationals committing criminal activities. Also … Read more

Yes, You Can Now Buy Guns With Bitcoin

Spending cryptocurrency has always been slightly more cumbersome than it needs to be. One would expect the majority of online merchants to accept Bitcoin by now, but that is not the case. Even the most recent Bitcoin price spike hasn’t changed this situation for the better. Thankfully, there are still companies willing to venture into … Read more

First Atomic Swap Between Bitcoin Cash and Komodo Is a Success

Atomic swaps have become quite popular in the world of cryptocurrency. That is to be expected, as this concept removes the need for centralized exchanges altogether. One of the biggest challenges to overcome is finding ways to trade value across different blockchains which may not be natively compatible with one another. The first atomic swap … Read more