IMF: Namibia Has No ‘Compelling Rationale’ for Retail CBDC

The International Monetary Fund recently concluded that Namibia should not issue a retail central bank digital currency at this time. Namibia Lacks Resources to Pursue CBDC The International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission to Namibia recently concluded that there are no compelling reasons for the Southern African nation to issue a retail central bank digital currency … Read more

Africa Dominates Trade Volume on P2P Bitcoin Exchange Paxful

Paxful Inc., a peer-to-peer bitcoin exchange, is seeing significant growth in Africa. The U.S.-based company said Africans now accounted for the largest number of people buying and selling cryptocurrency on its platform, with average monthly transactions totaling $64.5 million. Also Read: Brazilian Banks Ordered to Reopen Cryptocurrency Exchange’s Frozen Accounts Millennials Drive Cryptocurrency Adoption in Africa … Read more

Zambian Central Bank Declares Bitcoin Is Not Legal Tender

The Zambian central bank said on Oct. 12 that cryptocurrencies like bitcoin core and bitcoin cash aren’t legal tender, cautioning that those transacting in such will have no one to blame in the event of market failure. It appears that the bank issued the decree because, as a traditional issuer of the depreciating local fiat … Read more

With Bitcoin Cash, A Namibian Conservationist Hopes To Save Endangered African Wild Dog

In Namibia, the African wild dog population has been decimated to near extinction. But one wildlife lover is trying to stop all that. And bitcoin cash (BCH) is her gateway. Also read: Kucoin Expands Into Australia After $3m Bitcoin Australia Deal Leroux Gets First BCH Transfer In Namibian Wild Nadja Leroux, a Namibian wildlife conservationist looking … Read more

Africa and its Antiquated Banking: Cryptocurrencies The Solution?

Africa has steadily accelerated the switch to modern technologies. But can a continent facing a crisis with antiquated banking technologies, low rate of financial inclusion, poor confidence in the banking system, and high remittance costs become the new battleground for blockchain or cryptocurrency-centred settlements? Also read: Square’s Big Week: Crypto Patent, Shares Leap, and Lightning … Read more

Ecobank Report Finds Significant Presence of Crypto in 36 African Countries

A report published by the pan-African bank, Ecobank Transnational Inc., has found that despite cryptocurrencies exerting a notable presence in each of the 36 African countries in which the company operates, only South Africa and Swaziland have adopted a “generally favorable and permissive [regulatory] stance” pertaining to cryptocurrencies. Also Read: The ICO Market Has Hit the … Read more

Bitcoin Adoption in Africa Hinders EAC Plans for a Unified Currency

Due to a declining economy and eroding national currencies, the East African Community (EAC), an intergovernmental central bank organization composed of six countries in eastern Africa have plans to adopt a unified currency. However, the growing popularity of bitcoin and other digital currencies are hindering the East African central bank’s abilities to establish a harmonized … Read more