Printing Money from Thin Air – How the Fed Reduces Purchasing Power and Makes You Poorer

Unless you have your head in the sand, you’ve probably realized that governments and central banks can print money out of thin air and in unlimited amounts. The United States and the Federal Reserve have been creating money from nothing for years because they had exhausted all their monetary policies. Despite the fact that many … Read more

As US Expands Subprime Mortgage Program, Is a New Crisis Looming?

The Federal Housing Administration, a division of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, has recently adopted new guidelines widening the scope of condo purchases eligible for lower down payment loans insured by the government. While that could lead to more members of certain social groups buying a first home, critics fear a new … Read more

Lenders May Deny Your Mortgage Application if You Sold Bitcoin in the Past

Over the past year, cryptocurrencies like bitcoin have gained in value and some people have ‘cashed out’ their digital assets in order to purchase cars or a new home. However, some people who have sold cryptocurrencies in the past may have a hard time getting a home loan even though they have the funds to … Read more