Markets Update: Long-Term Signals Suggest Bullish Bounce Imminent for BTC

Many technical signals are indicating that the BTC markets may experience a bullish move in coming days following several weeks of heavy selling. Despite longer-term price action and stochastic RSI suggesting an oncoming move up, the immediate price action tells a more tenuous story – with BTC currently testing a critical area. Also Read:Dead again? … Read more

Dead again? In Reality Bitcoin Is Up 729% Since Last February

The price of bitcoin has seen some corrections over the years, but really there have only been a few deep cuts. With the bearish dips in price over the past five weeks it’s always good to look at the historical view of value drops and the long-term achievements of the cryptocurrency economy in general. Also … Read more

The Cryptocurrency Markets Are Having an Interesting Week

The crypto markets have been having an interesting week to put it mildly. Seas of red and deep cuts have had the vultures circling, the weak hands folding, and the naysayers expending their lifetime’s allocation of “I told you so’s”. While the last two weeks have been painful for anyone who bought bitcoin in December … Read more

Tether Severs Ties With Its Auditor, Leaving Its Accounts Shrouded in Mystery

Barely a week passes when Tether isn’t in the news. For a so-called stable coin, Tether and its acolyte Bitfinex are at the center of a lot of instability within the cryptoverse. After it emerged over the weekend that Tether had kissed goodbye to its auditor, critics of the opaque company began to wonder whether … Read more

AIER Researchers: Bitcoin’s Price Moves with News

Researchers at the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) teamed with Missouri University to examine whether the price of bitcoin is being manipulated by a few traders. Conspiracy theories abound, and new accusations arise regularly. A first in a series of papers on the world’s most popular cryptocurrency, the present project attempts to show a … Read more

Trading Tip `The Wall´ – Wall Street Price Manipulation? Go Long

Trading is arrogant, be it on Wall Street or across crypto exchanges. In order to trade rather than hodl, you must fundamentally believe you’re smarter, more disciplined or better informed than the other half of the market. Time will tell. But as long as you’re trading, we’ve established that you’re at least more arrogant than … Read more

Bitcoin 2018 Price Projection Using Monte Carlo Random Walks: ~50,000 USD

Using the Monte Carlo statistical projection method, combined with what are known as random walks, Xoel López Barata developed some pretty fun bitcoin price scenarios for the end of this year. His projections are compelling because he follows data, revealing the difficulty being able to accurately prophesize much about the world’s most popular cryptocurrency’s path. … Read more

New Weiss Ratings for Cryptocurrencies Award No “A”s and Score Bitcoin a C+

Financial ratings agency Weiss has just released its much-hyped cryptocurrency review. The eagerly-anticipated report rates 74 of the most popular cryptocurrencies on the market, scoring them from A to D. Such was the level of interest in the report, the company’s website was knocked offline as interest peaked on Wednesday morning. Weiss Ratings include some … Read more

Coinbase Is Making $2.7 Million a Day

Running a major cryptocurrency exchange can be a logistical nightmare, but the rewards make it all worthwhile. In information released to shareholders this week, Coinbase revealed that it recorded turnover of $1 billion last year, which works out at an astonishing $2.74 million a day or $2,000 a minute. Also read: South Korean Card Companies Block … Read more

Trend Analysis Reveals the Most Loved and Hated Cryptocurrencies

For investors trying to predict market movements, the more data that can be analyzed the better. Trend analysis and fundamental analysis are a starting point, but there are other clues scattered across the web which lie outwith conventional search parameters. One of these, social analysis, involves discerning the general sentiment towards cryptocurrencies on public networks … Read more