Microstrategy Debunks Margin Call Rumor — Says Bitcoin Liquidation Unnecessary Even if BTC Falls Below $3,562

The CEO of the Nasdaq-listed software company Microstrategy has debunked the rumor that his company is facing a margin call for a bitcoin-backed loan and will be forced to sell some coins. If the price of the cryptocurrency “falls below $3,562 the company could post some other collateral,” the executive explained. Microstrategy Hasn’t Received a … Read more

Financial Bazookas Revealed – Market Strategists Believe the Fed Will Purchase Stocks Soon

Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies may be the only free-market assets left not manipulated by central banks like the U.S. Federal Reserve. Since the covid-19 outbreak, the Fed has unleashed a massive arsenal of monetary weapons to combat the effects on the economy. After the significant rate cuts, quantitative easing (QE), and buying mortgage-backed securities, analysts believe … Read more

Scramble for Dollars: Emergency Cash Injections in $250 Trillion Global Debt Place the Fiat Ponzi On Ventilator

The last few weeks of global hysteria has shown there’s been a mad dash for dollars and various fiat currencies. Moreover, central banks have tried to quell cash liquidity issues by injecting trillions into the hands of private banks and hedge funds worldwide. As the financial system shudders with more than $250 trillion in global … Read more

Okex Socializes Loss From Over $400 Million Bet Among BTC Futures Traders

Anyone getting involved with leveraged trading must assume upon themselves the risks associated with the potentially highly rewarding practice. A recent event should remind traders that, sometimes, even when the trade goes your way, you can still take a hit. Okex socialized one trader’s massive loss on BTC futures with a clawback. Also Read: The … Read more