The Best Responses to Donald Trump’s Claim That Bitcoin Is Backed by ‘Thin Air’

The cryptosphere was rubbing its hands with glee when U.S. president Donald Trump fired off a typically cantankerous tweetstorm on June 11 in which he took aim at Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and Libra. Bitcoiners relished the sudden attention directed towards their sphere from the president’s 62 million-strong Twitter account, but took issue with the veracity of … Read more

How 10 Countries Respond to Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency

A growing number of governments have responded to Facebook’s cryptocurrency plans including China, France, India, Japan, South Korea, Russia, Singapore, Thailand, the U.K., and the U.S. Several intergovernmental organizations have also weighed in such as the European Central Bank and the Bank of International Settlements. Also read: G20 Leaders Issue Declaration on Crypto Assets – … Read more