PR: Launches Excellent P2P Service for Unverified Borrowers, one of the fastest-growing P2P lending platforms, is pleased to announce the launch of a new special service campaign aimed at further loan liberalization for unverified platform users. From now on, all registered platform users are able to take crypto loans up to 300 USDT on a daily basis, where the borrowing fee accounts … Read more

Back to Basics: What Is Money?

Our current economic system can be compared to a merry-go-round that has us consuming, trapped in debt and spending as quickly as we earn. What is fiat currency? Why do we use it and who controls it? And how does it compare to gold and bitcoin? It is worth going back to basics, to better understand … Read more

IMF Says Bitcoin Could Create Less Demand for Regular Debt-based Fiat Money

This month the International Monetary Fund (IMF) released a report on global monetary policy in the digital age which explains that “crypto assets may one day reduce demand for central bank money.” The IMF study was written after an IMF staff discussion that details that cryptocurrencies could someday lower the demand for fiat currencies by … Read more

Japanese Corporation Begins Offering Loans Secured by Cryptocurrency

An established Japanese corporation has begun offering loans secured by cryptocurrency. The company says this is the first service in Japan where loans in Japanese yen can be obtained with cryptocurrency as collateral. Also read: Yahoo! Japan Confirms Entrance Into the Crypto Space New Loan Program Abic Corporation announced Friday the launch of its bitcoin loan … Read more

Japan’s GMO Wants to Borrow Bitcoins from Customers

Japanese internet giant GMO has launched a service to allow customers to lend their bitcoins to the company. Customers’ bitcoin balances will be debited from their GMO Coin trading accounts once loan agreements have been reached. This program is similar to the one launched by the hacked exchange Coincheck last year. Also read: Japan’s DMM Bitcoin … Read more

PR: Lavenir, the Cryptocurrency Lending Platform Will Launch Its ICO on April 4th

Lavenir is the latest addition to the cryptocurrency world that is going to begin its ICO on April 4th and conclude on May 4th. It is all set to bring a new revolution into the market by digitizing the lending process. Lavenir, the newly launched cryptocurrency lending platform is going to launch its ICO on … Read more