The Average Bitcoin Ransomware Payment has Risen to $12,762

In the cryptocurrency world, it would appear most of the discussions pertaining to ransomware have quieted down. Not because the industry is no longer lucrative, but simply because such attacks have seemingly become so common it isn’t necessarily newsworthy anymore. However, the average Bitcoin payment associated with ransomware attacks has risen significantly. Ransomware Still Makes … Read more

Report: Two Hacker Groups Stole $1 Billion From Crypto Exchanges

A new report alleges that just two groups of hackers dominate the majority of cybercrime directed against cryptocurrency exchanges. Together, these groups have responsible for stealing about $1 billion of cryptocurrency so far. Also Read: Arwen Enables Self-Custody for Traders of Centralized Exchanges The Most Lucrative of All Crypto Crimes Digital surveillance company Chainalysis has … Read more

Cryptopia Hackers Successfully Stole Funds During the Investigation

Ever since the Cryptopia trading platform got hacked, users have been wondering when things will improve. That question is very difficult to answer right now. The investigation is still ongoing. Even so, it seems some of the stolen funds were drained a slate as the day prior to the investigation. Additionally, some money went missing in … Read more

Cryptopia Confirms Hack yet Total Financial Losses Remain Unclear

The cryptocurrency industry is subject to a lot of attention by criminals and hackers. This has caused many problems in the past, yet also affects present proceedings. The latest victim in this regard is Cryptopia, one of the more prominent altcoin exchanges. After a recent incident, the team confirmed someone accessed specific information and funds … Read more

Luas Website Hacker Demands a Bitcoin Ransom

Bitcoin often gets a very bad reputation because of its association with criminal activity. While no one can deny criminals have shown a clear bias toward cryptocurrencies, there is much more to Bitcoin than just that. Even so, a recent cyber attack affected the Luas website shows hackers aren’t done with making Bitcoin ransom demands … Read more

Researchers Link NotPetya Outbreak and Kiev Power Grid Outage to one Hacking Group

Depending on how one looks at the world, coincidence is either a common thing or doesn’t exist at all. In the world of cyberthreats, it would seem the latter is the more common conclusion. New research shows the NotPetya ransomware attack, as well as a disruption of Ukraine’s power grid, are linked together by one … Read more

Zambian Central Bank Declares Bitcoin Is Not Legal Tender

The Zambian central bank said on Oct. 12 that cryptocurrencies like bitcoin core and bitcoin cash aren’t legal tender, cautioning that those transacting in such will have no one to blame in the event of market failure. It appears that the bank issued the decree because, as a traditional issuer of the depreciating local fiat … Read more