Google Search Volume for Bitcoin Keywords Increased by as Much as 1000% During 2017

Following bitcoin’s incredible performance and increased media coverage during 2017, there is no doubt that bitcoin has witnessed increased user adoption. Estimates regarding the scale of bitcoin’s growth vary due to the anonymous nature of bitcoins transactions; however, the search engine traffic for terms such as ‘bitcoin’ are generally seen as a reliable indicator of … Read more

Beware of Fake Kucoin Search Results on Google

Over the past few years, we’ve seen cybercriminals pay more attention to cryptocurrencies than ever before. This is anything but surprising, especially given the significant appreciation of most currencies in the year 2017. It now seems someone is running a malicious Google Adwords campaign disguised as Kucoin. Given the current appeal this exchange has, it is … Read more

Blockchain Bridges Gap Between App Developers and Users in a Trustworthy and Open Market

The aspect of Blockchain technology that eliminates the need for intermediaries is one of the most cherished characteristics by its followers. Blockchain technology will bridge the gap between app developers and users and make app stores truly decentralized and transparent by removing the middlemen. #SPONSORED Go to Source Powered by WPeMatico

Netflix Tweet Hints at FCC Lawsuit

Late last year, the United States Federal Communications Commission voted 3-2 in favor of dismantling Obama-era regulations that prohibited ISPs from privileging content. This was a huge defeat for internet rights activists and consumers everywhere. However, while the case seems shut to many, there is still a resistance ongoing – with some rather large companies … Read more

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg Resolution: “Give People the Power” via Cryptocurrency

Mark Zuckerberg, founder, chairman, and CEO of social media platform Facebook, has posted his annual challenge. It’s often a look back at major events, taking stock of the year, and appraising what’s ahead. This year, he ended his note with a pointed call to “take power from centralized systems” by employing uses for “encryption and … Read more

Total Capitalization of the Crypto Markets Now Exceeds $750 Billion

The total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies has broken into new highs, with coinmarketcap indicating that the market cap of the combined crypto markets is approximately $760 billion USD as of this writing. Also Read: Statistical Analysis Reveals Ties That Bind the Cryptocurrency Markets The Total Market Capitalization of All Cryptocurrency Markets Is Greater Than That … Read more