Venezuela Releases Petro Whitepaper Ahead of ”$5 Billion ICO”

Venezuela’s oil-backed cryptocurrency, the petro, is a step closer to reality following the release of the official whitepaper. The eagerly anticipated document outlines the token model and crowdsale mechanism that will be used to launch the ethereum-based project in February. Having been officially signed off by president Nicolás Maduro, the whitepaper is finally available for … Read more

Coinshares Group Plans to Launch New Crypto-Investment Funds

This week the firm Coinshares Group has announced two new investment vehicles tethered to cryptocurrencies. Coinshares was the first organization to launch publicly traded bitcoin and ethereum-based exchange-traded-notes (ETN), and the firm’s new funds will offer retail investors more “familiar channels” to invest in the growing digital asset economy. Also Read:Chinese Investors Continue to Obtain … Read more

PR: Aids Ethereum Business Adoption

Blockchain revolution is happening. Sure, we are in first days yet, in “stone age” of cryptocurrency. Nevertheless, practical business solutions are already emerging. One of the most known and functional is Ethereum blockchain. The post PR: Aids Ethereum Business Adoption appeared first on Bitcoin News. Go to Source Powered by WPeMatico

Venezuela Announces Whitepaper and Pre-Sale of Its Oil-Backed Cryptocurrency Petro

Venezuela’s president Nicolás Maduro has announced the pre-sale of his country’s national oil-backed cryptocurrency, the petro. In addition, he has presented and signed the official petro’s whitepaper and unveiled the Petro Container for mining the new currency. Also read: Japan’s DMM Bitcoin Exchange Opens for Business With 7 Cryptocurrencies Pre-Sale of Petro During the meeting of … Read more

Ethereum Now Has Its Own Self-Sustaining Pyramid Scheme

In the world of cryptocurrencies, there are plenty of scams, pyramid schemes, and Ponzis to be aware of. Unsurprisingly, there are also honest pyramid schemes which make no bones about what they are doing exactly. The PoWHCoin project, for example, positions itself as the world’s first autonomous and self-sustaining pyramid scheme. It’s an interesting idea and … Read more

Over 1 Million People in Line for Robinhood’s Bitcoin Trading App

Young Americans are signing up in droves to a new cryptocurrency trading service, showing the massive unmet demand in the market for more bitcoin trading venues. Cryptocurrencies are coming soon to the Robinhood platform and traders appear to be following them in anticipation. Also Read: Vegetables on a Blockchain ICO Exit Scams After Paying People … Read more

Neo ICOs Make a Shaky Start

The Neo platform was designed to serve as a launchpad for Initial Coin Offerings. Since hosting the Red Pulse ICO last year, Neo has accommodated around a dozen ICOs, with another dozen in the works. From a fundraising perspective, these crowdsales have been successful, selling out rapidly and raising hundreds of millions of dollars. But … Read more

Vegetables on a Blockchain ICO Exit Scams After Paying People to Write On Their Bodies

The current cryptocurrency investments ecosystem is one of the purest forms of a free market in economic history. This gives rise to an incredible growth which makes some people overnight fortunes and allows startups to flourish like never before. Unfortunately, it also puts the burden on investors to vet the teams, ideas, and capabilities before … Read more

New Website Ranks 600 Cryptocurrencies by Github Activity

From market cap to trading volume, there’s a lot of ways to assess and quantify cryptocurrencies. Traders evaluating new crypto projects are prone to diving deep in their quest to uncover diamonds in the rough. Github activity – the frequency with which the code governing cryptocurrencies is updated – provides a good indicator of which … Read more