Dogecoin Price: Momentum Flattens out Despite Elon Musk Talking to Jackson Palmer

Kicking off a new week in the world of cryptocurrency trading can often have interesting consequences. In the case of the Dogecoin price, it appears things remain at a status quo, at least for the time being. There are still some interesting developments taking place within the community, which may effectively spark more interest in … Read more

Dogecoin Price Watch: Currency Outperforming Most Other Altcoins

At press time, Dogecoin – the currency that started out as a joke and uses a cute little Shiba Inu as its mascot – is trading for about $0.0024. This is about $0.0012 less than where it stood just a few days ago, and the currency is moving down the financial ladder. Still, the currency … Read more

6 Cryptocurrencies With The Highest Supply Cap by 2050

Cryptocurrencies have very interesting features and aspects which make them all unique. Although the total supply of Bitcoin is going up rather slowly, other currencies will not see a similar fate. By 2050, the following coins will have reached a massive total supply. They are ranked from low to high based on the total number … Read more

Dogecoin Price Watch: Currency Recovers 50 Percent of Its Value

Dogecoin may have started out as a joke at the end of 2013, but it’s now one of the strongest coins the market has to offer. The currency has remained relatively silent for the past few months, but in August, executives released plans to build and launch the Dogethereum project, where tokens could be exchanged … Read more