BRICS Eyes Petroyuan for Oil Trade Amid Dedollarization Push, Expert Says

BRICS nations are considering adopting the petroyuan for oil trade as part of their ongoing dedollarization efforts, according to economic expert Herbert Poenisch. He noted the BRICS group may discuss alternatives to the petrodollar at their Kazan summit. He highlighted Saudi Arabia’s potential shift towards the petroyuan and Russia’s plans to reduce dollar reliance. However, … Read more

Zimbabwe to Unveil De-Dollarization Roadmap, Says Government Official

The Zimbabwean Cabinet has approved a de-dollarization roadmap outlining “modalities to operationalize the Zig currency as legal tender for use in the economy.” Zimbabwean officials have set early 2026 as the new deadline for making the Zig the country’s sole currency. The central bank is expected to strengthen the mandatory licensing requirements, which compel business … Read more

De-Dollarization Faltering in Africa Because Citizens Lack Confidence in Their National Currencies

Despite clearly articulating reasons for de-dollarization in the Global South, African leaders will struggle to convince residents to embrace national currencies without changing economic management practices. People often lose confidence in a currency when a central bank excessively prints money to pay debts and other obligations. De-Dollarization Hype Not Backed by Practical Action Sometime in … Read more

IMF Warns Zambia Against Dedollarization, Calls Plan Counterproductive

An International Monetary Fund representative has cautioned that Zambia’s proposed dedollarization initiative may inadvertently undermine efforts to contain inflation. The representative expressed concern that the prevailing economic conditions in Zambia are not conducive for the country to proceed with the de-dollarization proposals. Zambia Not Ideally Placed to Dedollarize The International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s Zambian representative, … Read more

US Dollar Retains Global Dominance Despite BRICS Efforts, Reveals Atlantic Council Report

Despite concerted efforts by the BRICS nations to decrease global dependence on the U.S. dollar, the fiat currency remains the dominant force in the world economy, a new study from the Atlantic Council’s Geoeconomics Center finds. The report underscores the challenges of de-dollarization amidst geopolitical tensions. U.S. Dollar Holds Firm as Global Reserve Leader The … Read more

Dimon Doubles Down on Bitcoin Dislike, SBF to Aid Legal Action Against Celebrities, and More — Week in Review

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon has reiterated his critical stance on bitcoin, labeling it a fraud and dismissing its potential as a legitimate currency. Former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried has agreed to a settlement that involves cooperating with legal actions against celebrities linked to FTX’s collapse. U.S. analysts are evaluating the impact of the proposed … Read more

US Dollar’s Importance Declining in International Transactions and as Reserve Currency, Economist Says

A Canadian economist and professor at the University of British Columbia says the role of the U.S. dollar in international trade and as a reserve currency has been declining. “Other currencies have been getting more important in international transactions and as reserve currencies,” he stressed. Economist Highlights Rising De-Dollarization Trend Canadian economist James Brander shared … Read more

Musk on ‘Massive Incentive’ to Get Money Out of Banks, Dave Ramsey Dismisses De-Dollarization Fears, BTC Network Congestion Eases, and More — Week in Review

Twitter CEO Elon Musk has shared what he calls a “massive incentive” to get money out of bank accounts, noting “bank depositor flight will accelerate to extreme levels, even for banks that are ‘too big to fail.’” Personal finance coach and author Dave Ramsey, for his part, thinks that de-dollarization fears are overblown. In crypto … Read more

10 Southeast Asian Nations Challenge Dollar Dominance With Push for Local Currencies

The leaders of 10 Southeast Asian nations, members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), have agreed to “encourage the use of local currencies for economic and financial transactions.” The group comprises Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. This move will help them reduce their reliance on the U.S. … Read more