XRP Price Refuses to Drop $1 for the Time Being

In the world of cryptocurrencies and digital assets, adversity is nothing new whatsoever. Every year, we see the cryptocurrency market go through a very bearish period before it rebounds slowly. In the face of this current adversity, many people expected the XRP price to drop back below $1. So far, that has not happened just … Read more

Revolutionizing Cryptocurrency Exchanges with Streamity- the Smart Contract-Fueld Decentralized Exchange

2017 marked a monumental year for the spread and proliferation of cryptocurrencies and the new technologies they provide. This year, hundreds of cryptocurrencies are slated to launch revolutionary services, utilities, and environments the likes of which have never been seen. Despite these great progresses, the exchanges that provide access to these currencies are largely falling … Read more

Ponzi Scheme BitConnect Plummets 90%

For naive investors who invested in BitConnect (BCC), today marks an exponentially bigger loss than the general cryptocurrency downtrend. After discontinuing its “lending” program, BCC instantly plummeted over 90% from the day’s high, dropping from over US$330 to a low of just under $20. While most of the community warned about the blatant scam presented … Read more

Market Tumbles as Bitcoin Price Approaches US$11,000

For some investors, these past 24 hours have represented a state of panic, as cryptocurrency markets are experiencing a major drawback after an explosive December and first half of January. With Bitcoin down over 20%, only one coin on the top 100 outside of Tether (USDT) has maintained its dollar value in the wake of … Read more

Cryptocurrency App Users Increase 14-Fold in South Korea

The number of cryptocurrency app users in South Korea has increased 14 times in the last 11 weeks to approximately two million users, according to a recent analysis. Users spend an average of 26 minutes using them daily and the majority of users are in their 30s. Also read: South Korea Urges 23 Countries, EU, and … Read more

Venezuela’s President Urges Neighbors to Embrace the Petro Cryptocurrency

Venezuela’s cryptocurrency project will still go ahead as planned, by the look of things. Last week, the nation’s Senate forbade the issuance of the Petro cryptocurrency, but it seems President Nicolás Maduro has no intention of backing down. More specifically, he has urged some of the neighboring countries to embrace this new cryptocurrency in the very … Read more

Four Major Cases of Hacking a Smart Contract or Why Thinking Ahead is Important for an ICO Project?

When you approach a vending machine and insert a coin, you expect to receive a can of soda or tasty snack in return. The same thing happens when you use blockchain technology to exchange cryptocurrency for any service or vice versa. It’s called, a “smart contract,” and it’s expected that this process is automatic; nothing … Read more

Do Industries Need Cryptocurrencies?

It’s probable that 2018 will be a watershed year for blockchain and cryptocurrencies.  2017 saw the breakout of this new technology from the small community of programmers and “geeks” into a much wider audience of people, looking for financial opportunities and willing to support various disruptive Blockchain concepts.  2018 will likely see the acceptance by … Read more