It is Time to Make Way For Crypto Investors

The financial sector has been in a particular focus over the course of last year, in part due to the exponential rise of ICOs which has challenged the venture capital industry in its ability to finance early-stage companies and projects. The rise of ICOs may have been on the front pages, but the hedge fund … Read more

South Korean Officials Confiscate 191 Bitcoin During Criminal Investigation

We have another interesting Bitcoin-related development in South Korea. For once, this has nothing to do with regulation or anything along those lines. Instead, one criminal saw 191 bitcoins confiscated by law enforcement earlier this week. The individual in question had been running an illegal site. It is evident the confiscation of Bitcoin in South Korea … Read more

Ethereum Now Has Its Own Self-Sustaining Pyramid Scheme

In the world of cryptocurrencies, there are plenty of scams, pyramid schemes, and Ponzis to be aware of. Unsurprisingly, there are also honest pyramid schemes which make no bones about what they are doing exactly. The PoWHCoin project, for example, positions itself as the world’s first autonomous and self-sustaining pyramid scheme. It’s an interesting idea and … Read more

NIST Paper Claims Bitcoin Cash Is “Technically” the Real Bitcoin

The different opinions on Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash have been well-documented across various media channels. Most people remain confident Bitcoin is the main chain, but a lot of BCH fans think things are the other way around. A new draft paper from the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology claims that Bitcoin Cash is indeed the … Read more

Mavro: Shaping an Uncertain Future into a Bright One

As technology continues to evolve in the 21st century, businesses are faced with disruptive enterprise solutions that have the ability to challenge the status quo.  Since the advent of the internet, we see these disruptions at play every day in nearly every conceivable industry. The internet and its technological fruits have born the world into … Read more