ShadowFork’s Smart Contract Bug Freezes $1M Worth of Ethereum

It seems Ethereum’s self-sustaining Ponzi scheme has already hit a major roadblock. Even though there was a lot of initial interest in this project, a few spin-offs have been created already. It seems the latest contract, known as ShadowFork, contains a major issue which prevents anyone from withdrawing funds. This also means the contract’s creator … Read more

ICON’s Whitepaper Explained

As both cryptocurrency and blockchain technology become more and more mainstream, several projects are pioneering the push to incorporate this revolutionary tech into economies, markets, and industries worldwide. As international conglomerates, financial institutions, and national governments begin to incorporate blockchains, it is likely that this fusion will only grow. One such cryptocurrency that has already seen adoption in … Read more

What Is KuCoin Shares?

Altcoin exchanges have been a hot topic recently. Top exchanges earned tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars in 2017, despite users of virtually all exchanges running into frequent and significant problems. Such a huge market, combined with the lackluster nature of top providers, creates a prime opportunity for new exchanges to enter the market and potentially … Read more

Venezuela Announces Whitepaper and Pre-Sale of Its Oil-Backed Cryptocurrency Petro

Venezuela’s president Nicolás Maduro has announced the pre-sale of his country’s national oil-backed cryptocurrency, the petro. In addition, he has presented and signed the official petro’s whitepaper and unveiled the Petro Container for mining the new currency. Also read: Japan’s DMM Bitcoin Exchange Opens for Business With 7 Cryptocurrencies Pre-Sale of Petro During the meeting of … Read more

Deutsche Bank’s Wealth Management Arm Advises Against Buying Bitcoin

Cryptocurrency users have no love lost for financial institutions. This is especially true when it comes to Deutsche Bank, which is considered by many to be “too big to fail”. It now seems the bank’s Wealth Management arm is advising users not to invest in any cryptocurrency, especially not in Bitcoin. There are a lot of … Read more