A Millennial and Crypto Love Story: How This Generation Is Ghosting Banks

America’s youth has long been in a bad relationship with banks. Their predatory, self-serving practices have left a bad taste in the mouths of many young consumers, who have historically acclimated and resigned themselves to the system as they aged. Millennials have been accused of killing almost every industry, from golf to napkins, but now … Read more

Trouble In Paradise As Cardano’s Founder Clashes With The Foundation’s Chairman

With three separate entities running Cardano, some conflicts and disagreements were bound to arise at some point. And it has, with Cardano’s founder Charles Hoskinson accusing the Cardano Foundation of being a stumbling block towards the progress of the project. In an open letter and later a video interview, Hoskinson has accused the foundation chairman, … Read more

Decentralizing Cryptocurrency Is Hard

“Decentralization shaming” is a popular way for cryptocurrency tribes to laud their anointed altcoin at the expense of the rest. The degree to which a cryptocurrency is free from control by any one entity has become a stick with which to beat projects that don’t measure up to bitcoin, which is all of them. Such … Read more

EOS, Cardano and Tezos: Sleeping Giants Starting to Stir

EOS, Cardano and Tezos are cryptocurrency’s big sleepers. The latter project has lain dormant since last summer while its legal troubles played out, while EOS and Cardano have been beavering away, but have yet to produce the goods. With signs that all three projects are now stirring into life, investors might finally see a return. … Read more

Forbes’ Inaugural Crypto Rich List Is Crass Yet Compelling

Ogling the fortunes of the filthy rich is a popular pastime with the poorer segments of society. It’s been that way for centuries, with 1849 marking the debut of Who’s Who, a 250-page guide “of living noteworthy and influential individuals, from all walks of life, worldwide.” In more recent years, Forbes has picked up the … Read more