Using a Crypto Loan App to Bring Financial Services to Excluded Groups in Africa

In much of Africa, many people still lack access to basic financial services for many reasons. One of the reasons is that financial institutions have set standards or thresholds that make it impossible for low-income earners to even open a bank account. Access to soft loans or other forms of financing is even more cumbersome … Read more

64% of Adults from 10 Different Countries Would Use a Central Bank Digital Currency: Report

As central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) advance in testing, a number of countries have taken the lead in an effort to create a CBDC. The enterprise blockchain firm Guardtime recently conducted a survey that shows adults from ten different countries would likely use a CBDC. Nearly two out of three respondents said they would likely … Read more

Bank of Russia Advises Stock Exchanges to Avoid Trading Crypto Instruments

In line with its hardline stance on cryptocurrencies, the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) has issued a recommendation against the listing of securities tied to crypto assets on the country’s stock exchanges. The “preventive measure” will not affect state-issued digital currencies. Bank of Russia Worried About Common Investors’ Exposure to Crypto Derivatives Russia’s central banking … Read more

Swiss, French Central Banks to Trial Wholesale CBDC Settlements With BIS and Private Sector

The central banks of Switzerland and France are joining hands with the Bank for International Settlements to test wholesale central bank digital currencies in cross-border transactions. The experiment will be conducted with the help of a private sector consortium led by Accenture. European Central Banks to Collaborate on CBDC Project The Swiss National Bank (SNB), … Read more

Kalashnikov Eyes Digital Ruble Settlements as Russia Aims to Replace ‘Dirty Money’

Kalashnikov Group, the Russian firearms manufacturer, is ready to transition to settlements in digital currency. The announcement came from the international economic forum in Saint Petersburg where the central bank of Russia reaffirmed its intention to replace “dirty” and “infectious” paper cash with the digital ruble that’s currently under development. Russia’s Kalashnikov Concern Looks Forward … Read more

ECB: Digital Euro to Boost Global Appeal of European Money, Fight ‘Artificial Currencies’

The digitization of traditional currencies like the euro has the potential to increase their international appeal, the European Central Bank says in a new report. A failure to offer a digital currency would endanger financial stability, ECB warns. The regulator is concerned about the prospect of tech giants dominating payments through their “artificial currencies.” Eurozone’s … Read more

‘Chinese Invented Paper Money and They Will End It’- Brazil’s Far-Left Praises Digital Yuan  

Digital currencies, those issued by central banks in particular, have been commended for their “disruptive nature.” The praise comes from a publication associated with one of Brazil’s far-left parties. A recently published article claims that CBDCs such as China’s digital yuan can radically change global finances and government policies. Digital Yuan to Do Away With … Read more

Kazakhstan Is Preparing the Launch of a CBDC Pilot With Private Financial Companies

Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are steadily becoming a serious discussion among governments globally, with Kazakhstan as the latest country unveiling its plans. The National Bank of Kazakhstan is making preparations to launch a CBDC pilot program soon. The National Bank Released a Public Consultation Paper According to the announcement published on their website, the … Read more

Brazil’s Central Bank President Expects to Have News on a CBDC ‘Soon’

The largest country in Latin America could have its central bank digital currency (CBDC) soon, as the Brazilian central bank is taking steps towards creating it. Recently, the Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) president hinted at the possibility of having news on the matter “soon.” No Decision Has Been Made on Whether the Digital Real … Read more