Pandemic Assistance: Maduro to Airdrop Cryptocurrency to All Doctors in Venezuela

Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro has announced that he is airdropping cryptocurrency to every doctor in his country as a token of appreciation for their work to combat the coronavirus outbreak. The national cryptocurrency, the petro, will be distributed via the Homeland card (Carnet de la Patria). Also read: IMF Declares Global Recession, 80 Countries Request … Read more

Maduro Plans to Airdrop Petro to Municipal Leaders and Eligible Citizens

The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro wants the nation state-issued cryptocurrency, petro (PTR) to have the same usability properties as a physical currency. On December 13, Maduro explained on national television that the Superintendence of Crypto-Assets and Related Activities (Sunacrip) will be airdropping 0.5 PTR ($30) next week to eligible citizens who register with the … Read more