While Politicians Worldwide Clamor Over Tax Evasion, Pandora Papers Show Bureaucrats Are the Worst Offenders

As bureaucrats across the globe continue to ask the common citizenry for access to every financial decision they make, politicians and celebrities worldwide are hiding large amounts of wealth in tax havens according to the Pandora Papers. While American politicians like the Biden administration claim to be against tax corruption, some people view the U.S. … Read more

This Crowdsourced Project Attempts to Reveal American Politicians That Own Bitcoin

On September 19, 2021, the software developer and cofounder of Casa, Jameson Lopp, announced a new project called bitcoinpoliticians.org which sifts through Congressional financial disclosures and records them into a database. Lopp says the aim is to create “more transparency around bitcoin ownership” and so far he’s analyzed about 13% of Congressional financial disclosures. Jameson … Read more

AOC, Pressley, Tlaib ‘Urge’ Biden to Replace Fed Chair With Someone Willing to Address ‘Climate Change’

All the recent money creation from the Federal Reserve wasn’t enough, according to a few American bureaucrats, as three politicians from the House Financial Services Committee are urging U.S. president Biden to replace Fed chairman Jerome Powell with someone who will address “climate risk.” AOC, Tlaib, Pressley: ‘Climate Change Is a Warning of the Potential … Read more

2% Inflation Is a Myth- 2021 Statistics Show Prices of Goods and Services Have Surged

Members of the U.S. Federal Reserve and fellow bureaucrats have said that they are not worried about inflation levels and some officials have even encouraged a general increase in prices for goods and services. Despite the alleged statistics that say U.S. inflation is only 2% to 2.24%, reports show that Fed’s liquidity expansion has accelerated … Read more

Can’t Lock Down Bitcoin: Trump Ponders Halting Stock Trading, Grounding US Passenger Flights

In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak and a looming recession, U.S. President Donald Trump and his administration are contemplating halting stock markets next week. The White House is currently considering grounding all passenger planes and ordering a nationwide shelter. However, bureaucrats from the White House believe that the grounding of U.S. passenger planes and … Read more

John McAfee Plans to Tokenize All 535 Members of US Congress

On Saturday, the notorious John McAfee revealed a new project he’s launching that aims to tokenize all 535 members of U.S. Congress in order to sell them on the open market. McAfee said that the U.S. representative tokens will be listed on his exchange McAfeedex so people can find out what their “representative is really … Read more