PwC Reveals Blockchain Analytics Tool For Tracking ICO Tokens

Major accounting firm, Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC), has announced that it is currently trialing a blockchain analytics tool designed to trade digital tokens from launch. PwC has stated that the software will assist companies in guarding against the misuse of their tokens for illicit purposes. Also Read: Study Finds $3B Worth of Faked Cryptocurrency Volumes and Wash … Read more

Blockchain Technology Talk is Largely Nonsense

Every so often, corporate business blushes its latest fad speak. Disruptive. Paradigm shift. 2.0, 3.0. Game changer. For about half a decade now, blockchain technology has been the phrasing du jure among ecosystem corporatists and assorted scammers. It’s weak jingoism employed to disguise against real innovation, cryptocurrency. Blockchain is just a damn database, a giant … Read more

Trading Takes Over Your Life? Meet the Platform that Lets You Sell and Buy Bitcoin in Your Sleep

The cryptomarket is already full of autotrading platforms and robots but most of them are unhandy, intricate, nor prices seem to be fair. The whole market may change with start of a new blockchain project providing the simple and user-friendly platform to build and run your own automated strategy. Disclosure: This is a Sponsored Article … Read more