Malta Prime Minister Welcomes Binance to Its “Blockchain Island”

The world’s largest cryptocurrency has found a new home on one of the world’s smallest island states. Prime Minister Joseph Muscat warmly welcomed the cryptocurrency platform and spoke of his desire for Malta to become “global trailblazers in the regulation of blockchain-based businesses and the jurisdiction of quality and choice for world class fintech companies”. … Read more

3 Lesser-Known Ways of Using Blockchain Technology

You’re probably tired of hearing about blockchain technology’s decentralization and transparency by now. Its much-touted immutability is also getting pretty old. We all know that in one way or another, blockchains are going to be disruptive, possibly across all industries. But what you may not have thought of yet is how certain seemingly unrelated sectors will … Read more

Blockchain Experts Respond to Twitter’s Looming Ban on Cryptocurrency Ads

Cryptocurrency is a very controversial topic these days. Various companies are trying to take evasive action to avoid dealing with this type of money. Twitter seems to be the next company to get rid of cryptocurrency advertisements altogether. Some industry experts do not take kindly to this development, for obvious reasons. Twitter Doesn’t like Cryptocurrency … Read more

OECD Warns Crypto and Blockchain is Challenging Tax Transparency

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has issued a report to the G20 finance ministers and central bank governors. The report examines the accomplishments and aims of the OECD in advancing its efforts to “redefine the international landscape,” identifying new technologies cryptocurrencies and distributed ledger technology as posing unique challenges to “tax transparency.” … Read more