Kodak Getting Into Bitcoin Mining

Kodak, a legacy photography company synonymous with the last century, is to launch its own cryptocurrency, Kodakcoin. Not content with holding an ICO, the company has also decided to get into cryptocurrency mining in what’s been interpreted as a desperate bid to stay relevant. The news, unveiled at CES 2018 on Wednesday, goes down as … Read more

JP Morgans Jamie Dimon Regrets his ”Bitcoin Is a Fraud” Statement

Jamie Dimon, chair of JP Morgan Chase, was once again asked about his thoughts on bitcoin. In a wide-ranging interview on FOX Business, Mr. Dimon was given a few of his notable quotes back to him, and asked to assess his present feelings. It appears he’s softened a little on the the world’s most popular … Read more

Blockchain Bridges Gap Between App Developers and Users in a Trustworthy and Open Market

The aspect of Blockchain technology that eliminates the need for intermediaries is one of the most cherished characteristics by its followers. Blockchain technology will bridge the gap between app developers and users and make app stores truly decentralized and transparent by removing the middlemen. #SPONSORED Go to Source Powered by WPeMatico

Here Are Four Interesting Projects Valued at Under $1 Million

Very frequently, coins explode from seemingly nowhere to the front page on CoinMarketCap.com. These coins appreciate hundreds or thousands of times to grow from obscurity to the center of attention for many confused investors. While most micro coins valued at US$1 million or less have no substance, there are a number of projects that do have interesting … Read more