What Is Veritaseum?

If there is one blockchain project in the world of cryptocurrency which has faced the most scam allegations, it has to be Veritaseum. A lot of people are not too happy with this project, mainly because there was very little information available about Veritaseum’s business model several months ago. That doesn’t mean the project doesn’t have … Read more

PR: The Okoin VR Project – Facts and Trends

We can not stay away and remain silent about the current situation on the market. Certainly, we are closely following the evolution of the crisis of confidence in the crypto industry as a whole, and we want to express to you our point of view, give comments on the state of things in our project … Read more

What Is Pillar Cryptocurrency?

It is evident that blockchain technology will serve many different purposes in the years to come. Especially when it comes to data retention and privacy, there are a lot of potential opportunities waiting to be explored. Pillar, a blockchain-based project with its own cryptocurrency, wants to provide a solution allowing people to take back control over their … Read more

The European Commission Loves Blockchain’s Transparency – Except for When It Doesn’t

Government officials can’t seem to make their minds up about bitcoin. Politicians like the underlying technology, they are prone to insist, but aren’t sure about the cryptocurrency itself, which is used by criminals to launder money, they reiterate. In as many weeks, European Commission-affiliated groups have issued two seemingly contradictory statements on the matter. Either … Read more