Documents Show Craig Wright Claims to Own a Bitcoin Address With 80,000 BTC Stolen From Mt Gox

On June 12, 2020, the former CEO of Mt Gox, Mark Karpeles, tweeted about the notorious Craig Wright, the man who claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto. Karpeles and a number of crypto community members, assert that Wright’s legal team from London has been sending documents to certain individuals. The documents ostensibly stem from the law … Read more

Pablo Escobar’s Descendants Claim to Have Known Satoshi Nakamoto

Reports stemming from the financial columnist, Greg Thomson and the family of Pablo Escobar, claim the Escobar’s know the mysterious creator of Bitcoin. Allegedly, the notorious Escobar’s say that Satoshi Nakamoto was once known as a man named “Yasutaka Nakamoto.” On June 6, 2020, an interesting theory emerged that claims the family of Pablo Escobar … Read more

This ‘Faketoshi’ Signature Tool Lets Anyone Become Satoshi Nakamoto

Over the years, it’s become popular to claim that you are Satoshi Nakamoto even if you lack a shred of evidence. Although some individuals have tried really hard to prove it, they have always failed to convince the greater community. For instance, a few self-proclaimed inventors of Bitcoin have attempted to generate a signature with … Read more

Mainstream Media Believes Satoshi Nakamoto is Back

Should Satoshi Nakamoto ever return, it would probably be bad for bitcoin but great for clicks. The mainstream media (MSM) would have a field day, just as they did when they “identified” Craig Wright as bitcoin’s creator. The search for Satoshi and quest for clickbait intensified this week after Bloomberg asserted that bitcoin’s founder is … Read more

How Dorian Nakamoto Became Satoshi Nakamoto

In 2014, Newsweek doxxed Dorian Nakamoto, an unassuming senior, as the creator of bitcoin. The bumbling Dorian, who claimed never to have heard of the digital currency, was besieged by journalists for days, prompting him to plot a harassment lawsuit. As introductions to bitcoin go, Dorian’s was hellish. And yet, three years on from the … Read more