Goldman Sachs Analyst Says Consumers Under Severe Pressure as Stagflation Intensifies

Goldman Sachs analyst Scott Feiler warns of a bleak outlook for consumers as stagflation looms, with a bearish stance on consumer cyclicals and defensive stocks. Amidst the administration’s troubled Bidenomics, heavily indebted consumers face mounting pressures as pandemic savings dry up and economic growth falters. “Our desk is getting bearish on consumer and our soft … Read more

Stan Druckenmiller Slams Bidenomics — Advocates for Less Government to Boost Innovation

Renowned investor Stanley Druckenmiller has criticized Bidenomics, stating that he would give it an F if he was a professor. “Treasury is still acting like we’re in a depression,” he said, adding that “they’ve spent and spent and spent.” Moreover, Druckenmiller stressed: “Now, you’ve got blockchain, you’ve got AI, you’ve got the whole thing. All … Read more