April greater fools: Apes pile into ‘joke’ hat voucher Unisock clone
Hat voucher tokens are now going for as much as $3,700 in a joke sale that got out of hand Go to Source Powered by WPeMatico
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Hat voucher tokens are now going for as much as $3,700 in a joke sale that got out of hand Go to Source Powered by WPeMatico
True or not, the timing of the announcement is suspect given many companies’ apparent fondness of pranking customers on April 1. Go to Source Powered by WPeMatico
With each coming day, the price of Bitcoin edges nearer and nearer to 2018 lows of just above US$6,000 achieved in early February. In the last days of March, Bitcoin saw yet another tumble, as the price saw an extended stay below $7,000, the longest period of time throughout 2018 spent in the 6k range. … Read more