The Bitcoin Cash Community Prepares for ‘Change the Address Day’

The Bitcoin Cash (BCH) community, developers, and businesses that support the decentralized currency are preparing for “Change the Address Day” scheduled for January 14. At that time the BCH network and its participants will upgrade the protocol’s address format to one proposed by Bitcoin ABC developer Amaury Séchet. Also read: Korean Cryptocurrency Exchange Youbit to Close … Read more

Omni Devs Introduce Feature to Freeze Assets in Specific Addresses

Not a day goes by without some interesting developments in the world of cryptocurrency. While most of these changes go by unnoticed, the Omni team added a compelling feature a few days ago. More specifically, they have allowed issuers of centrally managed tokens to freeze said tokens in an address. This has caused some unrest among people who are … Read more

EOS Raises $700 Million Despite Token Affording No “Rights, Uses, Purpose, or Features”’s EOS ICO has raised approximately $700 million USD, despite EOS’ FAQ page clearly stating that token-holders will not be afforded any rights or functions. The token sale currently comprises the largest ICO to date, with the company anticipating a launch in June 2018. Also Read: Centra ICO Faces Class Action Lawsuit, Accused of Violating US … Read more Partners With Modular, Inc, to use new Blosym framework, Decreasing ICO Process by 85% on Ethereum Network

20 December 2017, Zug, Switzerland, has teamed up with blockchain innovators, Modular Inc. (formerly Majoolr) to employ Modular’s new Blosym system.  Blosym is an all-in-one platform for distributed applications.  Blosym will simplify the use of Ethereum applications by offering an easy point-and-click interface for smart contract deployments and point-and-click token crowdfunding participation.  Current research and … Read more